
Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Reefer trucking-Troubleshooting Low Suction Pressure in Reefer Units

Troubleshooting Low Suction Pressure in Reefer Units


Reefer units are like big fridges on wheels used to keep things cold during shipping. Sometimes, these units can have a problem called "low suction pressure." It's like when your fridge at home doesn't stay cold enough. This can be a big issue, especially if you're shipping things that need to stay cool. In this article, we'll talk about what causes low suction pressure in reefer units and how to fix it.

What's Low Suction Pressure?

Low suction pressure happens when the cooling system inside a reefer unit can't keep things cold enough. Think of it like your fridge not staying as cool as it should. In a reefer unit, we measure how cold it is in something called "suction pressure." When this pressure goes too low, it can cause problems like spoiled cargo or wasting energy.

Why Does Low Suction Pressure Happen?

1. Refrigerant Leak:

   Sometimes, the stuff that makes the reefer cold (called refrigerant) can leak out. Even a tiny leak can make the reefer not work right. Technicians need to find and fix these leaks.

2. Not Enough Refrigerant:

   It's like not having enough gas in your car. If there's not enough refrigerant in the reefer, it won't stay cold. Technicians should check and add more if needed.

3. Dirty or Blocked Cooling Coils:

   Imagine your car's radiator getting clogged with dirt. In reefer units, the cooling coils can get dirty or covered in ice, making them not work well. They need to be cleaned regularly.

4. Broken Valve:

   There's a part called the expansion valve that controls how much refrigerant goes into the cooling coils. If it's broken, the reefer won't work properly. Technicians should fix or replace it.

5. Problems with the Big Machine (Compressor):

   Sometimes, the big part of the reefer unit called the compressor has problems, like broken parts or valves. If that happens, it can cause low suction pressure. Fixing the compressor is a complex job for experienced technicians.

How to Fix Low Suction Pressure

To fix low suction pressure, technicians need to:

1. Check the Pressure:

   They use special tools to make sure the suction pressure is too low.

2. Find Leaks:

   Technicians use gadgets to find and fix any leaks in the refrigerant system.

3. Check Refrigerant Level:

   They measure how much refrigerant is inside and add more if needed.

4. Look at the Cooling Coils:

   If the coils are dirty or icy, they clean them up.

5. Test the Expansion Valve:

   They check if the expansion valve is working correctly and fix it if it's not.

6. Check the Big Machine (Compressor):

   If nothing else works, they look at the compressor and try to figure out what's wrong.


Low suction pressure in reefer units is a problem that needs fixing by skilled technicians. It's crucial to make sure reefer units work well, especially when transporting goods that need to stay cold. Regular maintenance and doing things right can prevent low suction pressure and keep reefer units running smoothly.

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